Howdy Ya’ll
Did anyone read/hear what Mr. Holder the new AG said his speech to Justice Department employees. Well in shot he said that we (Americans, needed to talk about race and not hid from it. I agree with what Mr. Holden is trying to say. We all have grown up with the sense of tiptoeing around race issues. We are tolerant but silence. To fully accept anything one needs not be ashamed to talk about it. It does not matter if you step on a few toes when talking about race. If we want to fully be an accepting nation we need to fully be prepared to talk honestly to one another about the issue. Most Americans avoid candid discussions of racial issues for fear of not being PC. WTF…PC is way over rated. Now do not get me wrong I am not saying go out and call be spic, nigger or wigger or anything like that; but to openly and honestly talk about race issues. If we're going to ever make progress, we're going to have to have the guts; we have to have the determination, to be honest with each other. It also means we have to be able to accept criticism where that is justified. In his speech Mr. Holder stated that “Saturdays and Sundays, America in the year 2009 does not in some ways differ significantly from the country that existed almost 50 years ago” which in a sense his true. All I am saying is do not be afraid to ask the big questions or talk about the big issues when it comes to race we need to feel comfortable saying the wrong things.