DISCLAIMER: This blog are the thoughts and opinions of the writer at the time of writing the blog. This is in no way a representation of the writer views, ethics, beliefs or morals. It is an outlet to express the thoughts at that time of the writing the blog and to have an open debate/discussion about them.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009
The safe bet….

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one ….
Monday, May 11, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
If you’re Happy and you know it clap your hand……..

Friday, March 27, 2009

You know the motto of Burger King “Your way, right away”. It is kind of the saying for all restaurants if you think about it. If you want something with a little extra chicken in it they will put it in. Granted you may have to pay for the extra but gosh damn it if you want it your way you can get it. That is why it so gets on my nerves when I go to a restaurant and the waiter has so much attitude in taking my order, it sucks. I go out so I do not have to cook at home, spend time with friends, or whatever. I am paying for a service that the waiter needs to provide. I know being a waiter can be hard. Polices have really hard job also; just imagine if they decide to ignore their customers. I am not saying you can compare what a cop does and what a waiter does. If you decide that you need a job and being a waiter is the job for you, God bless you have your reason. But when I come to the restaurant I am not paying for slow service, no water, and a late check. Waiters need to come in smile there ass off. Serve the food in a timely matter and bitch later. I mean come on. You choose to work here so work. I know customers can be bitches but than that is another reason we go out to eat. We feel like Kings. Having someone wait on us after a long day of whatever is nice. So stop fucking it up waiters and do your job. More tips for you and a happy customer leaves.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
It snowed here in DC on Monday. I took a picture of the outside weather just to show how cool it was and the amazing transition snow fall can do. I mean one moment it was cold and dreary and then a nice snow fall can change it all. I was relating this to life. How one day you could be having the worst day of you life and then a friend does something to lift your sprits. Things do seem like it can not get any worst, especially now. But there does come moments that will brighter you day and change you course for the better. Just like in snow go out and make something of it.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009
to Pee...or not to Pee.....
Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009
My coffee mug at work
city on the mug. That is to show people where I am from in the world. I do not even drink coffee. It is just one of those things that everyone who work in an office does. They have coffee mugs. I just jumped on the band wagon and got one also, it is more my mini trash can than anything else. You ever wonder why people follow along with the crowd. Is it sub-conscience or just to belong. Me I did it because I do collect coffee mugs and it gives me an excuse to have something on my desk. No I am lying I did it because everyone has one J
To race or not to race......
Did anyone read/hear what Mr. Holder the new AG said his speech to Justice Department employees. Well in shot he said that we (Americans, needed to talk about race and not hid from it. I agree with what Mr. Holden is trying to say. We all have grown up with the sense of tiptoeing around race issues. We are tolerant but silence. To fully accept anything one needs not be ashamed to talk about it. It does not matter if you step on a few toes when talking about race. If we want to fully be an accepting nation we need to fully be prepared to talk honestly to one another about the issue. Most Americans avoid candid discussions of racial issues for fear of not being PC. WTF…PC is way over rated. Now do not get me wrong I am not saying go out and call be spic, nigger or wigger or anything like that; but to openly and honestly talk about race issues. If we're going to ever make progress, we're going to have to have the guts; we have to have the determination, to be honest with each other. It also means we have to be able to accept criticism where that is justified. In his speech Mr. Holder stated that “Saturdays and Sundays, America in the year 2009 does not in some ways differ significantly from the country that existed almost 50 years ago” which in a sense his true. All I am saying is do not be afraid to ask the big questions or talk about the big issues when it comes to race we need to feel comfortable saying the wrong things.