Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Is it me or is anyone else so tired about hearing about soldiers dying in Afghanistan? Now they (US Prez) want to send more people over there. WHY? Hasn’t this “war” gone on long enough? What is the purpose? Why are we over there? We are losing troops and we are not even really committed to fight the “war”. It is not even classified as a declaration of war. The world wars were wars. We were trying to stop nations from taking over and we were committed. It took one big as bomb but they got the point. I am not saying bomb Afghans, yet, but come on go in and take charge USA. We are the super power of the world and we can not get one nation under control. Has anyone ever thought that maybe they do not want our help or need it? That left alone they might destroy/fix themselves. I know Sept11 can happen again if we do not eradicate the kinds of elements that are hiding out in Afghan so we need to monitor the situation and not have our men and women dying for a cause that has no end. Go in and kick some major butt or bring our guys and gals home….

Monday, July 6, 2009


Ok, I have been living in the Nation’s capitol, that’s D.C. for you GED folks, and I have not seen all the sites yet. So I have decided that this mouth will be my “Tour de DC”. I will be checking out the sites and eating at some cool eateries. So look out for some fun filled adventures of me, touring the town of DC…

Monday, June 8, 2009

The safe bet….

I am heading for a cross road in my life where I need to decide on the safe bet in my career or venture out and try something new. One road I can do for another 15 years until I retire, but there is no challenge to it and my heart is not in it. The other I would love but there is so mush danger in doing. Will I have the job in 5 years, where will I start, will I be good at it. Just because I will love doing it does not mean I will be good at it. There are times in your life where your decision will affect you greatly and you need to decide if the safe bet is the way to go. The safe way will give you money in your pockets and pay the bills. Do you need to love what you do to survive? You can get by I think it all depends on how you want to get by. I know decisions like this define people and make them stronger IF they get through it. What if you are not as smart as you like to believe, or does not have that charismatic personality like you think you have, what if the job you love you just plan suck at it. All these risk factors play a huge role in choosing the right decision. ..
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one ….

Monday, May 11, 2009


Part two to my “HATER” series is Noisy neighbors’. This is coming from a 9-5 guy who would like to come home and be in his own zone without his neighbors’ music rudely interrupting. I know we all have our own little ways of having fun, unwinding, or just being yourself. But come on, when your music is so loud my pictures frames of shaking turn it down. I have been there young and just want to have fun, but have respect for you neighbors. If you are partying after 5pm on a workday turn the music down. You should get a job or do something productive but hey we all can not give back to society. You know your freaking music is so load you can not even hear yourself think, but you are a dumb ass so you do not think to turn the music down. So now you have an angry neighbor at your door about to break it down and you are mad. Dick it is your fault I am here. You might find your car keyed by me J Play your music but man keep it at a reasonable level. No one wants to hear all the base in your songs in there place. It really sucks when the music is something you do not even listen to.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

If you’re Happy and you know it clap your hand……..

This will be the first part in my four part “Hating” issue. Yes I am a Hater and proud of it. One think that I do hate is skinny people. Not like people you eat a crap load and can not gain weigh but the people that go out there way to look as think as possible. I mean you people. I do not like you. You see guys and girls that look like they are wasting away. You need a little hip action going on or a little butt action. It helps fill you out. And no I am not an obese fat person. I work out more to keep my blood pressure low and not to lose weight. I know when summer time comes everyone wants to look their best for the beach or whatever. I am fine with that but hey people lets stop there. You do not have to be a size 0 to be happy. Guys if you are in your 20’s or over still wearing a small shirts hit the weights. I blame Celebs. You see them all looking skinny as hell and I know it is a lot of pressure to try to be them since that is what American society looks at for beauty status. WRONG. Celebs have trainers to help them look their best and they have the pressure of society to live up to also. A pressure that is so wrongfully given. For us normal people we think we have to look like Kate moss or Johnny deep but we do not. There are a lot more of us then them. Just be yourself. Why have to always be on a diet when you know you want to eat that Double Whopper meal. I am not advocating we all get fat, which is another issues. All I am saying is live a health land fun lifestyle and stop trying to be super thin. You are not helping yourself and you look ridiculous.

Friday, March 27, 2009


You know the motto of Burger King “Your way, right away”. It is kind of the saying for all restaurants if you think about it. If you want something with a little extra chicken in it they will put it in. Granted you may have to pay for the extra but gosh damn it if you want it your way you can get it. That is why it so gets on my nerves when I go to a restaurant and the waiter has so much attitude in taking my order, it sucks. I go out so I do not have to cook at home, spend time with friends, or whatever. I am paying for a service that the waiter needs to provide. I know being a waiter can be hard. Polices have really hard job also; just imagine if they decide to ignore their customers. I am not saying you can compare what a cop does and what a waiter does. If you decide that you need a job and being a waiter is the job for you, God bless you have your reason. But when I come to the restaurant I am not paying for slow service, no water, and a late check. Waiters need to come in smile there ass off. Serve the food in a timely matter and bitch later. I mean come on. You choose to work here so work. I know customers can be bitches but than that is another reason we go out to eat. We feel like Kings. Having someone wait on us after a long day of whatever is nice. So stop fucking it up waiters and do your job. More tips for you and a happy customer leaves.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


It snowed here in DC on Monday. I took a picture of the outside weather just to show how cool it was and the amazing transition snow fall can do. I mean one moment it was cold and dreary and then a nice snow fall can change it all. I was relating this to life. How one day you could be having the worst day of you life and then a friend does something to lift your sprits. Things do seem like it can not get any worst, especially now. But there does come moments that will brighter you day and change you course for the better. Just like in snow go out and make something of it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I want to wish everyone a Happy Mardi Gras. For all you Catholics out there party hard today before you have to start Lent tomorrow. Have a great day.

Monday, February 23, 2009

to Pee...or not to Pee.....

Guys is it me or do you just hate when you are at a urinal and a guy comes up and use the urinal next to you and starts talking to you. I am like dude, I am at my weakest moment and you are talking to me. I hate it, let me pee in peace and talk to me when we get out. Or while he is talking to you he is looking at you, keep your eye on the prize man. The restroom is not social hour I am here for a reason and when that reason is done I am gone. Time for social hour should not be in the restroom. I especially hate it when you are at the urinal and the guy next to you lets one loose. Can you be more embarrassed for him and yourself? I understand the restroom may be the place for that but come on, while you are standing next to someone, NO. Do it when you come into the restroom or when no one is next to you. Not when your poor victim can not escape your stench. Going into the restroom does not throw out all rules of etiquette nor is it a place to chit chat. If you must talk do it while you are washing your hands not staring at a guy peeing. I mean the rest room is not the break room, I understand guys do feel the need to say something to the guys next to them when they walk in the restroom to be polite or whatever. It is not rude to walk in, do your business and walk out; completely fine. With all the different mean of communicating we have now, the restroom is not one of them.

Friday, February 20, 2009


This is the image the New York Post had in its paper Wednesday. Now if you have been reading the news or listening to any kind of radio stations you know at least two things. One the President is coming out with a huge stimulus package and two a woman had a monkey as a pet that attacked her friend. Now these tow events or so unrelated that it is kind of funny to link them in this way. I do get that the cartoon is making fun of the stimulus bill as to say that is so stupid a monkey wrote it. And goes further as to play on the fact that the police killed the monkey that attacked the person as to say we should do that to the stimulus bill. I complete got the message and did think it was funny. Even though I am boarding the President’s stimulus bill train but still it was funny. Being a Black American I was in no way offend by neither the message nor I think anyone should be. Well maybe the “people” who wrote the stimulus bill and maybe the monkey. The cartoon could be considered borderline, if you want it to be, racist attack on the President. What happen to freedom of speech? The cartoonist obviously did not mean to attack the President in any kind of way and far cry from being a racist attack. The cartoon is clearly making fun of the damn pet monkey and the artist view on the stimulus package. All the people boycotting; REALLY? Is this what hundreds of Black American fought for equality so we can boycott political cartoons that may suggest a hidden meaning? Look at the color of the President and the Attorney General. I think the President can take of himself why not try and help the hundreds of kids who will get pulled into gang related instance this year. Just a thought……

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My coffee mug at work

Here is a pic of my coffee mug at work. As you can see it has my home
city on the mug. That is to show people where I am from in the world. I do not even drink coffee. It is just one of those things that everyone who work in an office does. They have coffee mugs. I just jumped on the band wagon and got one also, it is more my mini trash can than anything else. You ever wonder why people follow along with the crowd. Is it sub-conscience or just to belong. Me I did it because I do collect coffee mugs and it gives me an excuse to have something on my desk. No I am lying I did it because everyone has one J

To race or not to race......

Howdy Ya’ll
Did anyone read/hear what Mr. Holder the new AG said his speech to Justice Department employees. Well in shot he said that we (Americans, needed to talk about race and not hid from it. I agree with what Mr. Holden is trying to say. We all have grown up with the sense of tiptoeing around race issues. We are tolerant but silence. To fully accept anything one needs not be ashamed to talk about it. It does not matter if you step on a few toes when talking about race. If we want to fully be an accepting nation we need to fully be prepared to talk honestly to one another about the issue. Most Americans avoid candid discussions of racial issues for fear of not being PC. WTF…PC is way over rated. Now do not get me wrong I am not saying go out and call be spic, nigger or wigger or anything like that; but to openly and honestly talk about race issues. If we're going to ever make progress, we're going to have to have the guts; we have to have the determination, to be honest with each other. It also means we have to be able to accept criticism where that is justified. In his speech Mr. Holder stated that “Saturdays and Sundays, America in the year 2009 does not in some ways differ significantly from the country that existed almost 50 years ago” which in a sense his true. All I am saying is do not be afraid to ask the big questions or talk about the big issues when it comes to race we need to feel comfortable saying the wrong things.