Part two to my “HATER” series is Noisy neighbors’. This is coming from a 9-5 guy who would like to come home and be in his own zone without his neighbors’ music rudely interrupting. I know we all have our own little ways of having fun, unwinding, or just being yourself. But come on, when your music is so loud my pictures frames of shaking turn it down. I have been there young and just want to have fun, but have respect for you neighbors. If you are partying after 5pm on a workday turn the music down. You should get a job or do something productive but hey we all can not give back to society. You know your freaking music is so load you can not even hear yourself think, but you are a dumb ass so you do not think to turn the music down. So now you have an angry neighbor at your door about to break it down and you are mad. Dick it is your fault I am here. You might find your car keyed by me J Play your music but man keep it at a reasonable level. No one wants to hear all the base in your songs in there place. It really sucks when the music is something you do not even listen to.