This will be the first part in my four part “Hating” issue. Yes I am a Hater and proud of it. One think that I do hate is skinny people. Not like people you eat a crap load and can not gain weigh but the people that go out there way to look as think as possible. I mean you people. I do not like you. You see guys and girls that look like they are wasting away. You need a little hip action going on or a little butt action. It helps fill you out. And no I am not an obese fat person. I work out more to keep my blood pressure low and not to lose weight. I know when summer time comes everyone wants to look their best for the beach or whatever. I am fine with that but hey people lets stop there. You do not have to be a size 0 to be happy. Guys if you are in your 20’s or over still wearing a small shirts hit the weights. I blame Celebs. You see them all looking skinny as hell and I know it is a lot of pressure to try to be them since that is what American society looks at for beauty status. WRONG. Celebs have trainers to help them look their best and they have the pressure of society to live up to also. A pressure that is so wrongfully given. For us normal people we think we have to look like Kate moss or Johnny deep but we do not. There are a lot more of us then them. Just be yourself. Why have to always be on a diet when you know you want to eat that Double Whopper meal. I am not advocating we all get fat, which is another issues. All I am saying is live a health land fun lifestyle and stop trying to be super thin. You are not helping yourself and you look ridiculous.